Design & Construction of Salfeet Wastewater Treatment Plant+ 2 years Operation and Maintenance Service and the Optional Item Small Photovoltaic Power Plant.

  • Category
    منشآت معدنية
  • Client
    Nablus Municipalty
  • Supervisor
    بلدية سلفيت
  • Funded By
    بنك الائتمان لإعادة التنمية KfW
  • Region
  • From - To
    2017-07-11 00:00:00 - 2023-03-01 00:00:00
  • Value

Design, Construction, Commissioning and two years operation of a wastewater treatment plant. The required hydraulic capacity of the wastewater treatment is to be about 1,900 m3/d (or 20,500 PE).