Design/Build Of Rafah West Water Treatment Plant-Part B

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  • From - To
    2009-10-15 00:00:00 - 2010-12-15 00:00:00
  • Value

This contract is the second phase of Rafah wastewater treatment plant which is planned to be con­structed through three separate contracts , part "a" for the construction of two trickling bio towers and the bio tower feed pump station, internal piping, redistribution chamber and by bass manhole , part "B" for the construction of effluent pump station, administrative building and maintenance shed .and part "C" is for the construction of the force main macc is concern with part" a" of phase ii

The costal municipality's water utility (CMWU) is the beneficiary and is carrying out the site supervision by its own staff

Macc signed an agreement with international committee of Red Cross (ICRC) on the 07th September, 2009 to perform the necessary works for part (A)

the project is located at Rafah Talal sultan area of Rafah city


Objective of the project

The main objective of the project is to provide an environmentally sound solution to solve the over­loading problem of treatment plant, and to increase the capacity of the treatment plant in Tal Al Sultan area to reach 20,000 m3/D


Project activities

  • Two bio towers (0 16.00m x 5.00m high) 2000 m3 of sessile media
  • New feed pumping station for bio towers (6.7 x 5.75) m x 5.1m total depth of total pumps capacity of 1100m3 head of 11.0 m with discharge manifold and electrical works
  • New circulation chamber (3.5 x 4.0) m x 3.25 m overall depth and new additional by bass chamber (5.15
  • .x 2.7) m x 2.26 m overall depth
  • All internal piping works (UPVC pipes 2x400mm) from bt fps to bio towers, circulation chamber, new by bass chamber & new effluent pumping station
  • All cabling and electrical control panel