Gaza Central Water and Wastewater project (Contract 6- Sheikh Ajleen Measures)

  • Category
    أعمال تربة
  • Client
    مصلحة مياه بلديات الساحل
  • Supervisor
    مصلحة مياه بلديات الساحل
  • Funded By
    بنك الائتمان لإعادة التنمية KfW
  • Region
  • From - To
    2018-03-04 00:00:00 - 2019-09-08 00:00:00
  • Value
  • Reinforced concrete boundary beams around Ponds 1 and 2. Miscellaneous repairs for stairs and landings.
  • Building Works (Provisional Sums).
  • Construct Drying Beds Operators Room.
  • Construct CMWU Operations & Store Building. Piping Works